National Outdoor Leadership School

The Anchorage Walkabout Town Bed and Breakfast has been hosting NOLS participants for 20 years.  The NOLS program in Alaska recommends our Bed and Breakfast because they are familiar with the personal care we show each participant.

For NOLS participants, on the morning of their departures, we provide a ride to the train station to meet the bus. We prepare a to-go breakfast the students can eat at their leisure, as they ride the bus to reach the NOLS camp in Palmer.

We recommend that NOLS participants arrive, at our B&B, a day or two before their start date so they have time to experience Anchorage. We are an easy walk to all the tourist activities in downtown Anchorage.

NOLS participants sometimes think they want to stay in Anchorage after their NOLS experience but often they find themselves wanting to return home as quickly as possible after 30+ days living in the wilds of Alaska.

Since we attract so many NOLS participants, there is normally a great opportunity to get acquainted with other NOLS participants at our B&B before leaving for the NOLS experience.

If you are willing to share a room with another NOLS person, then mention that possibility when making reservations and you may be able to get a discount on your room.